Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Did you know .... Kitchen Helpful Hints Part I

Sometimes we find the coolest and neatest information online or hear great kitchen helpful hints from our mothers, family and friends.  Here are just a few that I've come across.  Feel free to share these tips with your kids, or other family and friends.

 Did you know.....

1.      You should keep (store) your spices in cool, dark, places and not keep them above your stove.  The reason for this is because the humidity, light and heat will cause the herbs and spices to lose their flavor.


2.      If you are preparing a nice meal and/or dessert for a VIP (Very Important Person) like your boss, your pastor or similar, you may not want to make a new recipe.  They never seem to work out the first time.  Be sure you are creating a dinner that you know you have perfected before.


3.      To keep your pasta from getting mushy, be sure to cook it one (1) minute less than the package instructions and then finishing cooking it the rest of the way in the pan with sauce. 


4.      When you are cooking and realize that you need to add more oil to the pan, be sure to add it in a stream along the edges of the pan.  By doing so, by the time the oil gets to the food being prepared, the oil will be heated.


5.      Deep frying food is often times messy and doesn’t work the way you want, however, when placing the food in the cooking oil, you may want to hold each piece of food with long tongs as you add it to the oil. It should be held just below the oil’s service for a period of five (5) seconds before letting it go into the oil.  This will prevent the food item from sticking to the bottom of the pot or the other food in the oil.


There are more helpful hints where these came from and we will be sure to share in future “Did You Know…..Kitchen Help Hints” blogs in the near future. 

We welcome you to share your kitchen helpful hints with us in the comment section below.  We will recognize your submission in a future blog. 



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