Tuesday, March 29, 2016

7 Must-have Kitchen Gadgets

Whether you are an amateur cook or an experienced chef who loves to prepare exotic dishes, you most likely have at least a few favorite kitchen gadgets. However, as much as you may feel your kitchen is complete, it never hurts to explore and find out whether there is a gadget or appliance out there to make work easier. If you are open to upgrading your kitchen with some new gadget, here are seven must-have unique kitchen gadgets:

Cinder - Cinder is a precision griddle that cooks food to a precise temperature and then keeps it at that temperature until you are ready to eat it. Thanks to its compact design and snug fitting cover, it also eliminates the grease stains and spatters associated with grilling and frying foods. Cinder is a highly versatile gadget that can be used for sautéing, searing and caramelizing foods.

The Dipr Dunking spoon - The Dipr is a spoon shaped cookie holder made of medical grade plastic that would allow you to hold your cookies in place as you dip them in milk or your favorite beverage. This stops the cookie from disintegrating while it absorbs moisture and softens to your desired level.

Microplane Herb Mill - This gadget is modeled after the traditional pepper mill. As such, to set the razor sharp stainless steel blades in motion, you simply turn the barrel. This gadget is designed to produce finely chopped fresh herbs such as cilantro and oregano, thereby saving you the trouble of having to use a chopping board or knife.

Musical Cake slicer - The musical cake slicer plays pre-recorded songs such as "Happy Birthday" and "Merry Christmas" as you cut your cake.

The SensorFreshQ - This handheld device is used to determine whether meat that has been sitting in your fridge for some time is still suitable for consumption or not. More specifically, it helps to detect the presence of harmful bacteria and help you avoid food poisoning and other bacterial gastrointestinal infections. To use this device, simply hold it about half an inch above the meat you are testing for freshness and wait for one of the three lights on it to go off. Green means fresh. Yellow means you may need to exercise care but the meat is still edible, and the red light means the meat is spoiled.

Fred and friends Mr Tea Infuser - This handy kitchen gadget would allow you to steep your tea leaves without having to worry about stray leaves escaping and ruining your beverage. To use this gadget, simply fill the little silicon pants with tea, steep in hot water, and enjoy your tea once it is done to your liking.

Toast Messenger - Leave loving or cute messages for your loved ones with the toast messenger. This toaster imprints any message written on its screen on a slice of toast during the toasting process.

Conclusion - Some of the must-have kitchen gadgets on the market today include a musical cake slicer, Dipr, Cinder, the SensorFreshQ, Fred and friends Mr Tea Infuser and the toast messenger.

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